therealman's Home Page

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Hello! Glad to hear of your interest in the NewWeb webring. Here's your instructions: , and here's the link for your leftside neighbor: Thank you!
tinypaws 5 years ago

I am.... major confused. i have the first table coding on my page an kept it that way cuz if i add the secant part of the table to my page it makes a whole other table. will give it another try when it not so late :D

tinypaws 5 years ago

Im such a dope. secant string in the coding itself. not the secant box. didnt get that until after a full nights rest LOL - thank you so much for making your pages as well as adding me to the webring :D

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scenequeen 5 years ago

i see carly rae jepson and gorillaz in ur playlist. certified good taste

Finally! Now for a quick blog post. Also a reminder to anyone that the NewWeb Webring is always accepting members.
Well, just got back from the gym, and I know what music I'm gonna put in my blog whenever Neocities comes back. Woman Worldwide by Justice is a really good album
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scenequeen 5 years ago

omg you have taste justice is really good

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Morning! What the heck is going on?
therealman 5 years ago

Blog! Buttons! This update has it all!

Hey all! Haven't updated the site in a few days, between weekend camping and getting a mild cold. Might add stuff to music, make a new page, or whatever!
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scenequeen 5 years ago

cant wait!!

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Hm... kind of at a loss for what else to add to my site.
scenequeen 5 years ago

you can pretty much add anything, a page for sites you like, videos, or make some secret funny stuff lol

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Hello, all!
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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 20, 2016
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gaming webring personal music blog