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Normally I dread website updates but I'm actually glad rateyourmusic shows you albums and bands when you type in a genre instead of giving you weird useless stats and a genre synopsis and calling it a day.
Women are so fucking hot.
"Anyone else tired of the Tiktokification of music / their favorite artists getting discovered by annoying Tiktok teens" dude I listen to Grindcore and Technical Death metal.
televandalist 3 years ago

I hate Tiktok as much as the next guy but everyone should love Slipknot and Deftones. They're good fucking bands.

Autoplay selections updated on my about page, as well as my shrine to the aughts and dudes with swords pages. I figured instrumental tracks that loop and a really popular 5 minute buttrock anthem that doesn't would be a lot less obnoxious autoplay options.
Metalocalypse became one of my favorite shows when Pickles vocalized the intro to Flattening of Emotions in a shitty attempt to teach Nathan about Polyrhythms.
Honestly, if anyone is gonna compare their corny apocalypse media to COVID, let it be I Am A Hero. I'm 54 chapters into this, it's very obvious a plague is spreading and a good 2/3 of the population is completely oblivous and going about their lives with no precautions and the other third is a bunch of shut in nerds who think they're superior to the rest of the population because they're. Well, shut ins who sit
televandalist 3 years ago

Around on the computer all day and make fun of people who are getting killed. There's a lot of interesting analysis of society in it too. Gender roles, the hikkikimori issue in Japan, the way the manga industry draws in creative minds and works them to death, vindictive cowards who were too chickenshit to confront their issues with people (be it coworkers or society's most downtrodden) before shit kicked off and are

televandalist 3 years ago

Now just using the spreading pandemic to vent their greivances, talking down to people and violently murdering them. I'm also really impressed that they haven't used the word "zombie" once. If you're into shit like this, I really recommend it. It's like a character study with thtills and horrot elements.

Watched Project X (2012) for the first time...since it came out, i guess. My review on it is that it's a fun party movie but it was not worth all the hype all the previews were giving it, which I think is about the same way I felt seeing it when i was 13.
televandalist 3 years ago

It kinda made me miss going to parties in college before I dropped out. Maybe I should go clubbing again when i'm healed from surgery.


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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedAug 18, 2020
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personal music movies diary