CFS: "The Party" |
Cure_discography-1978-1998: a few more NA editions of singles from "Wild Mood Swings" interpolated; profile: more people who I honestly wish were dead itemized
Cure_discography-1978-1998: double- and triple-LP sets specified; CFS: "Hot Girls Wanted" |
links: sanhyo's button; D-E_D: crotchal, groinal, za; RV: "The Deer Hunter," "License to Drive," "Cats: Caressing the Tiger"
links: Robert Harvey Oshatz; CFS-2017: "Je t'aime moi non plus" |
Cure_discography-1978-1998: details for "Show" and "Paris;" new links and images in graphical indices
pd: refraction, photometry (actinometry, polarimetry), refraction/refringence (birefringence/double refraction), refringence, refraction/refringence, refringence, actinometer (pyrheliometer), photometer (polarimeter, spectrophotometer)
pd: summum bonum, pharology, catoptric, optics/opties/photics/photology (optics (catoptrics, dioptrics, catadioptrics), pharology, photodynamics); D-E_D: good on, Middle East, Middle Eastern, vaguery
CFS: "The Damned" (A.K.A. "Gallows Hill") |