Local Eyes

2,235 updates
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Local Eyes was updated.
2 months ago
1 like
se0ku 2 months ago

Ma fan-trad FR de la Newsletter UT/DR de Printemps 2024 est disponible ! // My French fan-translation of the Spring 2024 UT/DR Newsletter is now available!

Local Eyes was updated.
4 months ago
se0ku 4 months ago

Ma fan-trad française de NO-SKIN est désormais disponible dans la section JEUX VIDÉO !! // My French fan-translation for NO-SKIN is now available in the VIDEO GAMES section!!

Local Eyes was updated.
5 months ago
se0ku 5 months ago

Quelques détails changés sur ces deux pages, rien de plus // A few details changed on these two pages, nothing more

Local Eyes was updated.
5 months ago
se0ku 5 months ago

Ma fan-trad française de la Newsletter UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE d'Hiver 2024 est disponible ! // My French fan-translation for the Winter 2024 UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE Newsletter is now available!

Local Eyes was updated.
7 months ago
se0ku 7 months ago

J'avais oublié de rajouter le pseudo de tresur qui m'a énormément aidé sur la version 1.3 de ma fan-trad de TCOAAL // Forgot to add tresur's username, helped me out a lot for version 1.3 of my TCOAAL fan translation

Local Eyes was updated.
7 months ago
se0ku 7 months ago

Ma fan-trad française du volume 10 de Toby Fox's Secret Base est maintenant disponible ! // My French fan-translation of Toby Fox's Secret Base's 10th volume is now available!

Local Eyes was updated.
8 months ago
se0ku 8 months ago

Ah oui, j'ai oublié de préciser mais j'ai juste changé quelques détails sur la page principale. Rien d'autre ! // Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this, but I only changed a few details on the main page. Nothing more!

Local Eyes was updated.
8 months ago
se0ku 8 months ago

Simple rajout de SIX SUFFIRONT à la partie JEUX VIDÉO, une collection de traductions de six jeux développés par Ivan Zanotti ! // Simply added SIX SUFFIRONT to the VIDEO GAMES section, a collection of translations for six games developed by Ivan Zanotti!

Local Eyes was updated.
8 months ago
se0ku 8 months ago

Les previews ne marchent pas bien, mais ma fan-trad FR de toute la lettre d'informations UT/DR d'Halloween 2023 est disponible ! // The previews don't seem to work well, but my French fan-translation for the Halloween UT/DR newsletter is available!

Local Eyes was updated.
9 months ago
se0ku 9 months ago

Sebus Maximus & Draconyte rajoutés pour leur aide sur Le Cercueil d'Andy et Leyley, puis visibilité de la non officialité de certaines traductions améliorée // Sebus Maximus and Draconyte added for their help of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, and non-officiality visibility of some translations improved

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 8, 2023
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translation videogames traduction undertale french