3,252 updates
0 tips art tumblr set back up :-o
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Holy shit, I'm so glad I found this page, this is truly stunning work! I'm excited to keep up with it. Also happy birthday!! :^)
its my fuckin birth day :----------) updates coming soon
goooby 8 months ago

happy birthday!

glassyhouse 8 months ago

yo! happy bday bro!

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bloody-world 8 months ago

hapy birdday

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faegardens333 8 months ago

happy birthday !!!

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jlehr 8 months ago

Happy Birthday, awesome site still!

57 8 months ago

happy belated!!! hope it was a good one ^o^

57 8 months ago

also glad to hear ur good!!! good luck on ur thesis!!

i hearrd da news abt tumblr btw i hope everybody on this earth makes a neo cities site or other free web page of some kind (with html).............. nature is healing
antiamorous 8 months ago

yo what happened

infini 8 months ago

apparently the staff is being spread to different divisions cuz the ceos(?) have thrown in the towel on the site being profitable. so its gonna be run by a skeleton crew and not updated, basically til no one upkeeps it anymore i guess? take w grain of salt from my recollection, but there r posts from people on the staff talking abt it on the site i think.

will post art soon i just been busy
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INFINI HUB was updated.
9 months ago
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ladybugboots 9 months ago

hey infini! how are you? i noticed ur tumblr blog was down and u didnt seem very active on ur other socials.. hope all is well with you!

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infini 8 months ago

HI omg sorry i didnt see ur reply! im doing just fine :-) i deleted my tumblr cus it was stressing me the hell out to have it up, and ive been chillling on here. im mostly not active bc im working on my thesis rn so im v busy! but feel free to chat on here or hmu wherever ill get to it eventually !

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INFINI HUB was updated.
9 months ago
INFINI HUB was updated.
9 months ago
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INFINI HUB was updated.
9 months ago
INFINI HUB was updated.
9 months ago
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMar 18, 2023
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