floppy's web lounge

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bmh 4 years ago

I totally agree with the cost of a new printer vs ink issue. Part of my work involves selling such things and I'm often encouraging people to price up the replacement ink BEFORE buying the printer... also, I just mentioned something similar on a topic about refilling fountain pens!

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saint-images 4 years ago

Just gave a try, it truly is incredibly huge! Lots of stuff that is hard to come by.

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floppys-lounge 4 years ago

bmh, it's definitely a good idea to tell people to look at ink prices. I used to have a fountain pen myself but it didn't work all that well for me. saint-images, I'm glad you found the site helpful!

saint-images 4 years ago

You've got a great taste in music, IMO. (✿◡‿◡)

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floppys-lounge 4 years ago

thanks! I plan to start sharing some more and hopefully people might find new things they like.

Oh God... I left the Christmas site decorations up until mid-March, didn't I?
arkmsworld 4 years ago

No reason to take 'em down now. Xmas is only 9 months away! :)

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bmh 4 years ago

My mum still has her Christmas cards out...

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Last updated 10 months ago
CreatedMay 24, 2018
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