☆tv static☆

3,146 updates
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Ermmmmm... 100k views?!?! Holy Bingle! What? :3 Sorry I don't have more planned, I hit a dry spell with site updates, but I'll eventually update with some small, normal updates. But uhh, swag!! Thanks for lookin at my silly website!
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I'm in one of those weird contemplative moods again... I feel like over time it's easy to lose sight of goals. As silly as it sounds, an example is how I feel my site gets lost in translation. I forget why I made it, which is to capture the feeling of my 2000s nostalgia, while also having my modern spin. I feel like the lines get blurred and it feels muddy and aimless. Anyways I'm gonna fix that lmao
yarrie 2 years ago

I agree, it's really easy to get caught up in the whole thing without realizing why we started this in the first place

I have to make a website for class, and it's so tempting to make a tacky Neocities page for it...
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all these checkmarks littering the screen is messing with me, this is so silly and I almost want to not be a supporter anymore, take it away ;_;
happy halloween my little skrunklies :)
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yarrie 2 years ago

happy halloween (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ) (retroactively)

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Really? I saw their tiktok and it says they haven't uploaded a vid in 2 years as well... unless I'm maybe looking at the wrong account? either way I hope they're doing ok ; _ ;
c04x14l 2 years ago

This should help! Unless I’m reading it wrong, the last post was in July, so it seems they’re doing well! ♡

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sometimes when I'm in my room alone working on something, I'll turn around quickly just to make sure no one is behind me questioning why I have three PNGs of glover plastered on my screen with no apparent reason
We are .net now!! Custom domain, baby!! If you hotlinked any images from my site, I think it might redirect, but please check in case you linked a button or something from my site! You worked hard to find the friends, I'd hate for you to lose your badges!

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedApr 30, 2021
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personal 90s videogames blog silly