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3,121 updates
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Update the art page with some new stuff, and tossed up a couple older ones that still look fine! Also, what's the deal with the neocities logo??? Looks like Kyle got silly again
puddingpudds 9 months ago

The new art is really good! You are so skilled, I envy that skill~~ I also been wondering about the logo, I wonder who's behind the mask.

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stocking up on Christmas themed gifts like a squirrel for the winter... I just. LOVE Christmas and I take so long to work on my site that if I don't start on holiday themes months in advance, it never gets done ;;;;
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Now that school is back... I have a feeling site updates will be back to! Most of my past updates were posted from either my campus library or home, and now that I'm back to the library... I can feel the HTML vibe again lmao
site has returned!! scavenger hunt will be added back soon, and the site theme may change, we'll see!!
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puddingpudds 1 year ago

Yay! I have been sad that was gone for a while, I'm happy it's back!

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c04x14l 1 year ago

Sorry about it being gone!! ;v; I wanted to take a step back and rethink what I wanted to do with the site, because I started feeling a bit disconnected from it, if that makes sense? But by focusing on my art a bit more I'm a lot happier with the site!!!!

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puddingpudds 1 year ago

I understand that! Sometimes a different focus really helps to bring back the fun and own comfort of the website. Your art is great can't wait to see more!

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Seeing as how the domain auto-renewed, I guess it’s high time I finally reopen the site! I’ll probably be migrating my art site to here, so get ready… the dimensional merge is upon us…
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Ermmmmm... 100k views?!?! Holy Bingle! What? :3 Sorry I don't have more planned, I hit a dry spell with site updates, but I'll eventually update with some small, normal updates. But uhh, swag!! Thanks for lookin at my silly website!
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I'm in one of those weird contemplative moods again... I feel like over time it's easy to lose sight of goals. As silly as it sounds, an example is how I feel my site gets lost in translation. I forget why I made it, which is to capture the feeling of my 2000s nostalgia, while also having my modern spin. I feel like the lines get blurred and it feels muddy and aimless. Anyways I'm gonna fix that lmao
yarrie 1 year ago

I agree, it's really easy to get caught up in the whole thing without realizing why we started this in the first place


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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedApr 30, 2021
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personal 90s videogames blog silly