The GissyEva Website!!!

952 updates
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Alriiiiiight, let's check my on neocities! //sees there is some drama going about related to one of the folks I follow// .....*sigh* God damn it. :'D
gissyeva 1 month ago

A'ight, Update: The thing I was complaining about seems to be over.

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gissyeva 2 months ago

To explain: I am found the alternated to 123guestbook, which is atabook. ^o^

gissyeva 2 months ago

^*Alternative. Good job, Gissy

gissyeva 2 months ago

So, normally, I don't reply to my update posts on Neocites but if you are wondering what is the deal with the webpage thumbnails lookin' different, I've been doing this sudo-decentralization. I took inspiration from AllyRat and how she organized her site and of course did it my weird way. ^^;;; (more about that on my Gissy-Log)

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJan 24, 2022
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