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Hello! I'm Pudding's friend, the one that has been blessed by your art as a Christmas present ! I wanted to thank you for the wonderful artwork you did of my Sona, loving the art!!! I was wondering if you have any other socials so that I could credit you on my Toyhouse as I like to keep track of the art I get on this platform. Thank you so much again!!!
c04x14l 6 months ago

I'm super glad you like the art!!! ;v; Rn I don't post art publicly anywhere else, so it would be better to link directly to my site. (All my other sites are private at the moment ;_;)

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I saw that you had comms open and wanted to do a commission, but I have run into trouble! I found your website here in Neocities! So I guess that makes me organic traffic! lol Anyways, I would like to commission you!
c04x14l 7 months ago

Sent a Discord friend request!!

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Held off in the Christmas site bc I wanted to add something... but I forgot what that was lol, so here it is!!
c04x14l 7 months ago

Okok I remembered it was to add more Friend pages, but don't worry!! I'll get em next time, next site update I'll add a couple! (Spoiler, one will be Squingus!)

c04x14l 7 months ago

Pray for me y'all, finals season has HANDS and I am NOT gonna come out alive. I will come out quite dead. It's so Joever y'all

Added a new art! Also added a site button!! (Finally, been on da pink site for god knows how long without a new button.) Christmas site soon, I have big projects for school to finish first!! But soon!!!!
puddingpudds 8 months ago

It's a really cute button!

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c04x14l 8 months ago

@ pudding Thank uuuuu :3 I love making buttons, so its surprising it took so long!! I should make more, its fun and relaxing!!!

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Happy Ween everyone!!!!! Eat lots of candy, and try not to get sick from it!!
Public post to make sure I'm held accountable. Checkers is so bad, like it tastes good at first and then it HITS you. You feel like DYING. I need to stop eating it. It's so deceptive you think "this time'll be different" NO. it never is
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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 30, 2021
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personal 90s videogames blog silly