may u be reborn on annares

2,951 updates
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yayyyy yayy redid my index gonna redo some other pages
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as much as i want a page just for ursula k le guin as an author i think i'm going to start with the left hand of darkness and maybe add more works.
fellow le guin fan!!! love your site, the cursor effect is so neat :D
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abbenai 1 year ago

more of us! more of us! the cursor effect is from btw ^_^

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right now i'm filling out as much of my site content for planned pages as i can. the only draft i have left is the le guin page. i'm actively researching and writing my cats the musical page right now and i'm having a lot of fun doing it!!! if you have any questions about why/what/how/good god why cats is the way it is let me know!! i'll be doing my best to makeit a primer on the metatheatrical elements of cats
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YAYYY another ursula k le guin fan!!! i'm reading earthsea for the first time after getting into her science fiction and short stories. i'm a big fan of tokyo godfathers too! it's my fav christmas movie. i love your site btw! i'm looking forward to seeing your updates!!
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maddiemuu 1 year ago

YESSSS i knew i needed to follow u as soon as i saw you loved le guin too!!!!!! i read all of earthsea for the first time this year and totally fell in love with her writing!! she had such a beautiful style, and i love how fleshed out her fictional worlds always are, it's so inspiring!!!!! and tokyo godfathers is SO good, i'm just a big satoshi kon fan overall tbh!! i'm excited to get back to working on my site soon!

soooooooooooo cool ohhmhmygod
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abbenai 1 year ago

tysm!! your layouts are so beautiful, i love all your little pagedolls!!!

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CreatedJul 12, 2023
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