Spot of Mummery - FFXIV Blog & Fansite

15,087 updates
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Thanks so much for the follow! Looking forward to more of your art. :)
Woah, the lightbox type effect on your gallery is super cool! As is the artwork! Keep it up!
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meggieport 2 years ago

Thank you so much!! It took me a Long while to figure out how to properly implement the gallery effect (java is.. rough). I appreciate the comment!

1 like
Enjoyed taking a trip down memory lane in all the different pets here. Keep it up! :)
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newlambda 2 years ago

thank you!! ^_^

1 like
Enjoyed the Halloween vibes on your page! I also play Animal Crossing on Switch so it's neat to see the page you're creating for that!
gnomical 2 years ago

tysm :-)) i recently have been playing it more so i thought it was time for an update

1 like
Lots of new writing is up today! The next section of the Spot of Mummery story - Yanxia - is posted. I've also created the Legacy Library, 4th Age Broadcasts and 4th Age Private Records.
1 like
Thank you for the follow! :)
nyanseong 2 years ago

npnp, likewise! i haven't played xiv but i'm really enjoying reading about your adventures and interactions in the game!

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The newest chapers of the Spot of Mummery story have been posted - a section called Restoration. I've also added a new answer to the Ask Amon page and a new link to the Mutuals section!
I tested out your new form and found a little glitch. When I attempted to enter a Twitter handle, Formspree rejected it saying it requires an email in that text box. Just thought you'd like to know. Otherwise, it should have worked nicely!
44nifty 2 years ago

I think I fixed it. Also, I posted an answer for your question!

1 like
Hey there! Saw that you linked my site, so I dropped you a link in exchange. Thanks!

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedSep 28, 2021
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games videogames art finalfantasy ffxiv