His Neocities account silently disappeared many months ago. You can still find a few captures of his site at the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210901000000*/vipboss.neocities.org
That is a pity, vip Boss, made a bunch of website buttons for me. I wanted to ask him to make a button for my site too.
icons: 110+ icons from OS/2 2.0 and 2.1 with chromatic fidelity and full transparency (more to come)
pd: aim/design/intend/mean/meditate/plan/propose/purpose/think, cogitate/consider/contemplate/debate/deliberate/excogitate/meditate*/mull^/muse/ponder*^/reflect*/ruminate*/speculate*/think (about) (consider/contemplate/meditate/think), claustrophobia/cleistophobia
his ears are so big that they hide his tummy, only his tail is showing hhehehe :3
CFS: "Escorts" | https://robertbuchanan.info/CFS/2021/01/22/palatable-escorts/
This reminds me that we never watched this trash: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0382028/
RAC: catalog of audio collection; indices and notifications updated accordingly
omg! in your squares index, Martha's face is right above yours and she looks like she could be your mommyyyy :3
pd: edeomania, paraphilia (ablutophilia, algolagnia/masochism, catagelophilia, algolagnia/sadism, aquaphilia, coprophilia, exhibitionism, haphephilia/haptephilia/naphephilia, kopophilia, medorthophilia, podophilia, scopophilia/scoptophilia/voyeurism)
pd: allot/deal*/dish out/dispense/distribute/divide/dole*/lot/mete*/parcel*/portion*/share* (allot/apportion/deal*/divide/lot/mete*/prorate/share* and dole*), bruit/rumor (pl. dish/gossip/hearsay/rumor/rumors/scuttlebutt) bruit/dish/gossip/rumor; links: KONPYUJIRU