pd: canon/criterion/standard, canon, cantabile/cantilena, censor; RAC: "OR MD COMP." (once upon a failed format....)
the updates go down to 2011. that's before Neocities... did Geocities still exist all those millions of years ago?
No! This site's been developed on varied commercial and free servers since 2009.
pd: cameo, cancel/cross out/delete/expunge/scratch/strike (out, through); cats: new photos of Gurney; FMP: Shunji Iwai; RL: (too much) Stephen King
pd: autograph/chirography/handwriting/penmanship (cacography, scrawl/scribble, calligraphy/chirography), bricolage, caesura/cesura/pause/||, calligraphy/chirography/penmanship; RL: King, "Omen" books; Og: launch2 reorganized
pd: anticlimax/bathos, bathos, belles-lettres/polite literature, belletristic, bildungsroman, boustrophedon; RAC: Bobby Prince; Redbeast: "Vernal Optimization"
i like this silly character... reminds me of those vaguely cinnamon-tasting red candy thingies. think they're called "fireball" or something like that?
Redesign for recovery #1: new updates; old updates archived; new index and filenames of photography: 1999-2003
poor baby! :< <33333333333333333
I'll be OK ;)
^^3;) <33333333333