QueenOfArms will return shortly!

2,758 updates
0 tips
Google planning to delete accounts that have been inactive for 2 years starting later this year. Keep in mind that they aren't deleting accounts with youtube videos yet. But I do recommend logging into any old accounts and use them for a little bit. Also if you're planning on downloading older videos it would help a lot if you also uploaded the video onto the internet archive. I'll go back to coding again. -Queen
I wish there was a way to filter out the "you follow" things. It's kinda annoying going through several pages of me following a site just to see something I posted. :/
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Updated my page to celebrate MAR10 day! I plan to do something more elaborate next time. (When I get my site done first lol)
Cool ass site! 👍
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Something I'd like to say for everyone making their sites. If you're bored or stuck on a page, work on another one. Even if it isn't high priority!
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thechillzone 1 year ago

great advice!! working on a page you dont feel like working on causes burnout quickly in my experience

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queenofarms 1 year ago

@ thechillzone I agree and sometimes you have to work on other pages to! For me I have to work on a few more pages before I can make my index pages.

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedApr 26, 2020
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