QueenOfArms will return shortly!

2,758 updates
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Aw cute kyle gave penelope a costume. 😊
Bruh why can't I figure out what's wrong with this code??? >:(
queenofarms 9 months ago

Still haven't figured out what's wrong with it. 😡

Updated the placeholder! It looks a lot better IMO. So far the main problem with working on the main site is focusing on writing down the contents of the site. (Different from coding the site.) -Queen
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Update: Working on another page and all it's subpages!
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I need to work on my site this week. I've been caught up with rigging a model I made. 😅
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Neocities did a funny. It just looks like Sonar is refusing to talk to you lol. (in the current screenshot)
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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedApr 26, 2020
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art videogames coding personal ocs