for great justice.

3,436 updates
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does anyone know if there's a gaming webring?
1 like
discovered a new bonus of blog being totally hidden: you can just rant about whatever you want and nobody will be like "bad take sorry" cuz nobody even knows you HAVE takes
wallyworld 3 years ago

highkey agree with the crossover take doe

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ollys-site 3 years ago

usually i'd do the sarcastic "thanks im always right" schtick but that doesnt feel right here.

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honestly my personal blog is the best bit of the website which is why its even funnier that it's buried behind like 3 subdirectories and the only image on it is of a disney channel show
ollys-site 3 years ago

also new day is up! go read it if you want!

1 like
why cant the internet make my pages for me we gotta have the technology by now
you should be able to speak in ~15 mins (pretty pogger), assuming NC goes by UTC and not just local time.
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wallyworld 3 years ago

wooo i can finally use the chat

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ollys-site 3 years ago

WOOOOO! by the way, can i ask you some advice? how the heck am i supposed to get past writer's block? i've been stuck on one sentence for like 4 hours :(

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wallyworld 3 years ago

writers block is hard... ive been stuck trying to figure out new pages to add to my site. but for me what helps is just start writing, whatever comes to mind even if you know its not great can help get the writing juices flowing!

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ollys-site 3 years ago

you're right! it's 2am (wow holy crap i just noticed) so i'll finish it up tomorrow. (kinda defeats the point of taking a hiatus to pre-write pages if you dont write them till the day they're due but lmao)

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gotta love misremembering the name of a page and then having to go fix the links to afforementioned page
neocities is wilding rn with comments, sorry.
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ollys-site 3 years ago

anyways point im TRYING to make if NC wouldnt stop fuckin up my comments is yr tumblr link is busted needs a HTTPS://

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ollys-site 3 years ago

also other point is site is awesome

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ocktobot 3 years ago

i forgot to change it!! thank u for reminding me :D

1 like

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CreatedNov 2, 2021
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pikmin personal writing gaming nintendo