for great justice.

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hey just to let yall know there probably wont be much of anything being updated apart from maybe my blog for the next few days, my illness is getting worse (not even vaguely possibly deadly, dont worry, but i'm very fatigued) and i'm out of backlog so i'm gonna have to take a break for a bit.
wallyworld 3 years ago

hope you feel better soon !

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ocktobot 3 years ago


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ollys-site 3 years ago

it's truly a shame nintendo cut this one, hopefully outkast is in negotiations for splatoon 3

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ollys-site 3 years ago the similarly cut inkopolis news jingle also deserved to be kept in, but that's the big N for you

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ocktobot 3 years ago

i'll never understand some of nintendo's decisions that jingle is objectively superior and deserves to be in the game

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Day 8 is up!
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Day 7 is live!
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a few things: it's pikmin bloom's first community day so i'll prolly be out of my house for most of today. also, the thread got buried pages deep so if anyone would like help setting up pikmin on emu hit me up on disc (my tag's on my homepage)
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anyone down to play pikmin 2's multiplayer modes whenever i get to pikmin 2? need it for The Content
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wallyworld 3 years ago

i think i have my gamecube around still but idk how to do multiplayer on it

ollys-site 3 years ago

emulators are a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.

Just saw your msg in my guestbook, and honestly you should give pikmin a try. Thr wii ports play really well with m+kb on dolphin, and the game takes a maximum of 6 hours playtime to either beat or get the bad ending.
tri-slosher-op 3 years ago

ik this was to ockto but come on. i was online and thought it was for me... i'll be sure to try it as well, so thanks for the recommendation!

ollys-site 3 years ago

Sorry i think

ocktobot 3 years ago

i'll rlly have to look into it!! emulators usually give me a hard tho lol

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ollys-site 3 years ago

i can help you set it up if you want!

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ocktobot 3 years ago

that'd be awesome!! :D

new day is up. upload date is a bit early but i might pass out at my desk soon so im just putting it out there
ollys-site 3 years ago

it's a good thing i write a day in advance because theres NO WAY i could have written anything today


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CreatedNov 2, 2021
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pikmin personal writing gaming nintendo