for great justice.

3,436 updates
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the only thing better than the html is the writing and the art. and that's saying a lot, because this html is masterful
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pseudepigraph 2 years ago

Wow! thank you very much !! <3

neocities i am begging you to please start reflecting my updates
In order to align a div right you can use a high left margin in the CSS for it. Or a negative 'left' position value. For example the right sidebar on my site uses left: -200px; in it's CSS. Also thank you for following!
ollys-site 2 years ago

i'm trying, and it's not working. i don't know what i'm doing wrong

1 like
ollys-site 2 years ago

edit: ok it's kinda sorta working now in my offline tests except the text has vanished for some reason

1 like
ollys-site 2 years ago

nvm i made a typo lol

1 like
i wanna make a splatoon page for splat3 but i know i will just leave it half finished like the pikmin stuff :(
how did you get music to play on your site
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does anyone know how to right align a div
1 like
ok day 11 has finally actually really come out as in you can open your browser and view the page now that neocities has updated
1 like
after a 10 month delay, pikmin 1 day 11 is out (or, will be once neocities pushes my update to the page)
ollys-site 2 years ago

"new update every day"

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedNov 2, 2021
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pikmin personal writing gaming nintendo