The Eighth Wonder of No-Sleep-Mitchy :p

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hello all you lovely people. i just wanted to do a thing so i don't forget about this- i'm gonna take a mental health break for a little while. my grades and other outside factors have been getting to me, and i've just become increasingly anxiety-filled and bleh over the past few weeks. thank you for all the love, it's cool to know that the things i'm passionate about are getting seen, even if it's only by a few :)
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badgraph1csghost 4 months ago

take all the time you need! you come first, site comes last. we'll still be here when you get back :D

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listening to the vengeance saga
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no-sleep-mitchy 4 months ago

thinking about giving scylla a sibling :/ might update with a link ;D

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hey y'all, just finished house of hades and realized there is a LOT of inaccuracies with how dangerous tartarus is... and the doors of death... and a lot of stuff lol- i have been updating a lot since the half-done aubrey chapter, so during thanksgiving break i'll try to revise some stuff. on a positive note, i think i'm starting to get how css works lmao :p
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no-sleep-mitchy 4 months ago

by inaccuracies i mean in my "good things don't happen to heroes" fic, not the actual book lmao- i just realized i typed that

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CreatedAug 17, 2024
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