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id follow you back but also you literally have 3 pages
lemonshandy 5 years ago

no worries, man. it's understandable. just followed because i like your site. interesting artwork. sorta reminds me of

Are you still interested? We'd be willing to hear about what you believe in. Our appearance is never a coincidence and we're sure that makes you special.
lemonshandy 5 years ago

oh man, uh... do you have an email address? i'll email you.

are you... the creator?
godcorp-archive 5 years ago

Website currently being re-built, of the God Corporation. Our duty is inciting armageddon. All curious visitors are absolutely welcome to contact us for more information.

lemonshandy 5 years ago

am i gonna die?

godcorp-archive 5 years ago

You will not die but we can offer clarity to your life. please contact us. :)

lemonshandy 5 years ago

i'll email you tomorrow. i'm sorta interested.

hey, i'm following you based solely on the fact your name is laika. cheers
kyumiare 5 years ago

I'll take it, lol. But now I must know what the significance is to you; please enlighten me.

lemonshandy 5 years ago

idk, laika is a cool dog, and her name has a nice ring to it.

wish i understood chinese. from what i can tell it looks interesting. like godzilla-esque stuff. cheers.
threec2002 5 years ago

thanks a lot. enjoy!

1 like
Arr sailor, ye best beware the curse of Davy Jones'...neocities site...?
1 like
oh man! i remember seeing this page a long time ago but forgot to follow you. i like your artwork. it reminds me a lot of 'whatever happened to robot jones?'
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encounters-ltd 5 years ago

thank you!!!!! and ive heard the robot jones comment before LOL, ive never actually watched that show

lemonshandy 5 years ago

do you do animations by any chance?

1 like
encounters-ltd 5 years ago

im majoring in animation! though i havent gotten to "make a picture move" level yet

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lemonshandy 5 years ago

oooh, just curious if you had any cartoons on youtube or something along those lines. wish i could draw cartoons. been thinking of doing sock puppets for the longest time but haven't gotten around to doing that.

1 like
encounters-ltd 5 years ago

sock puppets are cool!

hello, badluckenterprises. i'm just leaving you a message to say that i enjoy your page a lot, especially like the drone stuff in the background. just stopping by to wish you luck in life. cheers
1 like
cubertown 5 years ago

good luck is like poison

bad-luck-enterprises 5 years ago

Thank you. The Project should be back up in running soon enough. We just need the time. But soon we'll tie up some loose ends.

i'm sorry, i unintentionally followed you while checking your website and just unfollowed you, although i'm going to follow you again because i feel like that would be rude. you have a good night.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJun 7, 2019
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