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To anybody who uses `text-align: justify;' and can run `make': Please run a program I wrote, for our mutual benefit. You get better looking text, I get bug reports and a sense of fulfillment. Compiles and runs on Linux and Windows, presumably on Mac. git clone git://
kaa 5 months ago

New and Improved: the singular dependency, `libhyphen', is included in-tree. The build path is now compiled in to the program without manual intervention. Compiling on Windows is as simple as installing a compiler, a shell, and then running `make win/hyp.exe'.

kaa 5 months ago

I went looking for web sites which use `text-align: justify', however the lack of consistent hyphenation seems to have caused aversion from it. Since this is a chicken-and-egg problem, a web page I have written with justification in mind is provided in the `demo' directory, before and after hyphenation.

It's nice to hear that.
>( I can't really advise you though because I'm also very far from perfect. I'm actually not this kind of person. But I think this should be the way.) That's the first step towards this kind of world. I'm not this kind of person either, though I would like to treat those around me in this way.
1 like
>(>appreciated The conversation ...) I'm glad!
1 like
>appreciated The conversation between Alice and Cheshire Cat is really enlightning...
1 like
You've got a good web site.
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crossroads was updated.
8 months ago
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kaa 8 months ago

I happened upon an interview between the Computer History Museum and Chuck Bigelow, partial author of Lucida and the Go fonts. His explanation of the rationale behind the Go fonts was enjoyable to find, and has been excerpted here.

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sent u an email
kaa 8 months ago


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kaa 8 months ago


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CreatedMar 1, 2022
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