Justin case...

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Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
justin-myhead 1 year ago

oh my god why does the screenshot looked so fucked LMAO i promise that is not what the site looks like rn

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melvins-world 1 year ago

I think that the thumbnail was made while the page was loading. Neocities will make a new activity post with refreshed thumbnails every 24 hours. If you make a minor adjustment on the homepage, it should fix itself.

Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
Love the style of your site! I look forward to checking out your CD collection!
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justin-myhead 1 year ago

ah, thanks a million!! first review's coming out soon. btw, love your site as well!

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melvins-world 1 year ago

Howdy, Justin! I noticed you added some of my buttons to your site. I'm glad you liked the ones I made! Though, I would appreciate if you asked me first as certain buttons; the Hypnospace and Nick Cage ones specifically, should link to the respective pages I made them for. No worries about the other ones!

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melvins-world 1 year ago

Oh, there’s just one more thing! When adding another site’s buttons (or other media) to your own; it is common practice to download the media and host it locally as hotlinking utilizes the other site’s bandwidth.

justin-myhead 1 year ago

sorry! I've just been grabbing cool buttons whenever I see them and figured I could take some of yours. I guess I shouldn't have assumed. Also, had no idea about that bandwidth thing! I'll be doing all the changes you want later tonight, but if I'm understanding this correctly, are you not okay with me using your hypnospace/nick cage buttons? again, sorry.

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melvins-world 1 year ago

It's really no worries at all! Web etiquette can be weird; you pick it up as you go along! In fact, feel free to use the Hypnospace button (if anything, link it to the game's actual website at You’re welcome to use the Cage one too, but I’d appreciate it if you linked to my CagePage at Thanks, Justin!

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justin-myhead 1 year ago

yeah, no prob. just fixed all that up for you. see you around!

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Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
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Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
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justin-myhead 1 year ago

neocities is taking so long to process changes to my pages now... wtf is going on i can't work on the site like this :(

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ollys-site 1 year ago

yeah things have been fuck for a while, hopefully it'll be fixed soon. until then, i've just downloaded my entire site (from dashboard) and am testing out changes offline before moving them to neocities (so i know that, when things eventually update, the code will actually work)

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ollys-site 1 year ago

so maybe that'll work for you too?

justin-myhead 1 year ago

hmm, maybe? but all html preview sites struggle to display mine since i source local files in my code, like my font & crap

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ecostudio 1 year ago

and I also encountered a delay in updating, from yesterday evening still one page has not been updated. So far the week has been great. I hope things get better, all servers sometimes have glitches.

Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
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Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago

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CreatedMay 20, 2022
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