Justin case...

3,969 updates
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Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
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justin-myhead 1 year ago

current web screenshot is dated... pls check the changelog <:)

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Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
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Do you have Endtroducing in the collection?
justin-myhead 1 year ago

lol i wish. I just chose that as the archive image since it felt fitting. Those guys wading through shelves of music, and like, I'm doing the same thing!

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You should add 'html{width:1899px;}' or something to your style because the layout is broken at different resolutions.
justin-myhead 1 year ago

Yeah, I know :( Thanks for the advice though i'll try and see if that works later tonight

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slimysomething 1 year ago

(My DPI is set to 125%, I don't see anybody's website at the resolution I'm supposed to)

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Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
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Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
how tf is dokodemo still getting followers? he quit and i don't think you can even get to the other pages w/o a direct link now lol
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justin-myhead 1 year ago

not that i'm trying to be mean or anything I just find it very odd

slimysomething 1 year ago

browse page?

justin-myhead 1 year ago

i'm very pleased with this aging poorly

Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
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no HL(Half-Life™)heads on here....i think i'm gonna be sick....where r u guys at
ollys-site 1 year ago

dude half life 1 is the shit

justin-myhead 1 year ago


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slimysomething 1 year ago

There is one called newlambda

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justin-myhead 1 year ago

insanely late reply but yeah ik about them. They just don't seem to talk about the game and it's mods often though. Also, gordog grosses me out...

Justin case... was updated.
1 year ago
justin-myhead 1 year ago

alright that's better

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CreatedMay 20, 2022
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