i ♡ izaya orihara

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i finally uploaded my izaya shrine!! it's live at give thoughts or something :3
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izayaorihara 1 year ago

also if theres any problems or smth is hard to navigate LMK

diluculo 1 year ago

i don't know anything about izaya or durarara but this was a very interesting read, your dedication to izaya is very admirable and the site is very well made (:!!!!!!!

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corktree 1 year ago

thank u he is my ugly babygirl of 6 yrs im happy you enjoyed it. <3

urgent message evetyone who follows me. if you isw twitet pleas vote for shizuo and izaya (shizaya)on this poll
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was supposed to wake up and get back on the html grind but theres this collab w some gacha game going on rn with my favorite anime of all time and i havbe to grind the main story to access it so...........goodbye until i see my babygirl 👎
corktree 1 year ago

rise and grind its time for me to get to work !!!!! 💯💯 acquired izaya now im done with that gamwe forever (jk i still need to read the story hwen it opens).

corktree 1 year ago

also last fm is acting funny now so.. my widget isnt working😭😭😭

next i need to erm............get to working on the taskbar on myt abt page....🙃🙃
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genshin pages r finally finished!!!! i cleaned up the js too which i should have done from the start but whatever. im learning!!
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corktree 1 year ago

i didn't even need to make the builds page i just wanted to put myself thru extra torture... i am very happy w it tho!

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diluculo 1 year ago


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corktree 1 year ago

THANK U im glad :D

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sorry i havent been updating my site ive been having mcr disease take over ... seeing them again next month 🥴🙏
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CreatedAug 11, 2021
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