The Library of Dead and Abandoned Malls

378 updates
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Trying to figure out how I want to structure this site going forward; the challenge of wanting to document every dead/abandoned mall ever is staying on top of what malls have closed what malls are no longer dead and so on which isn’t manageable long term
deadmalls-library 1 year ago

What I’m thinking about doing instead is this; I’ll keep the links and everything to the malls I currently have documented up however going forward I might make bimonthly microblogs on a mall of my choice. That way the progress I made isn’t gone but I’m not going to be adding more to what I already have.

deadmalls-library 1 year ago

Also will be updating the site to be more accessible, like my current site. Lots of changes will be coming to this one. I promise I haven’t abandoned it just not sure how I want to exactly structure it for the future. Will update here when I decide on more things to do and am definitive about changes

Going to be a little smarter this time and pick a smaller state to work on next for malls
deadmalls-library 1 year ago

Sorry to any one interested in California malls, that one is probably going to be my last stop for this list

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I FINALLY have the entire list of florida dead/abandoned malls. Going to begin the process of uploading those lists here
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This is pretty much done with it's overall layout so from now on the majority of updates here will be adding new malls to pages for corresponding states
Just found out the template I use isn’t exactly mobile friendly which really is a bummer because it’s turned out really good. I’ll see what I can do
deadmalls-library 1 year ago

Used a new template and now the site should be mobile friendly as well! There’s still some minor editing to do and then I’ll start expanding to other site pages

Website Stats

Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedJun 23, 2023
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