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first of all, i really enjoy how you write. there's something raw and real to it, something that i really admire in a writer, and something i see you value as well. personally, i feel that it doesn't matter whether you're 'good' at writing or not- as long as you're expressing yourself, finding that catharsis that you need in creation, isn't that all that matters?
denpatenshi 1 year ago

i think we approach writing in different directions, and with that, there's something i can learn from you and your approach. i used to never be satisfied in expressing myself, i've always felt the need to turn it into something poetic, weave something out of it, like you said. and i think there's a power in expressing it in metaphors and allusions, exploring the full extent of how you feel and how it affects you.

denpatenshi 1 year ago

but sometimes, i find a form of catharsis in just plainly saying that "i am sad" too. the example you shared is something i felt almost constantly when i was younger, feeling simultaneously unimportant and too important at the same time. i think eventually, it comes to a point where no amount of descriptors can describe that piercing agony. there's value in both, and it ties into emotional honesty and vulnerability.

denpatenshi 1 year ago

i think this ended up devolving into a ramble ten minutes in- but, i enjoyed your entry, i enjoy your blog, and i'm looking forward to seeing more of your site!

alicebluef0f8ff 1 year ago

Thank you so much for your kind words <333. I also think i can learn from your approach to writing too :) . I definitely get caught up in the details & the language a lot of the time, and sometimes miss the underlying emotion (shoutout english not being my first language).

alicebluef0f8ff 1 year ago

I think neither ways of writing are any worse than the other, and they're both important in their own ways. In fact, there is nothing more refreshing seeing someone saying how they feel outright sometimes, especially when you're in that same mood. I've read books that are written like masterpieces, each line expertly crafted & each chapter a revelation. But it completely falls flat compared to feeling seen by another

alicebluef0f8ff 1 year ago

a blogpost about the same condition you have. All words have their place, and their time. I also look forward to seeing more of your site :)

alicebluef0f8ff 1 year ago

(also i really liked your muse post! the part about being your own voyeur ever since childhood... i'm glad you put it to words cause it really resonated with me.)

I appreciate what you wrote about intent shining through because of emotional honesty. That's really interesting and profound to me
alicebluef0f8ff 1 year ago

Thank you so much! I think a lot about emotional honesty vs literal honesty so i'm glad that part resonated with you :D. One day i might write something longer on the subject cause i think it's super interesting

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hi! i made a page, and my button is at the bottom left of i'm so excited for this project :D
tehuan 1 year ago

yay ! wonderful :] adding u to the page !

tehuan 1 year ago

also, i love your entry for the first mini prompt ! that evolution of how you express your feelings through writing is so relatable. the way i confront my own emotions and experiences now is for sure more mature, and being able to see how it's changed through a medium like writing is wild.

wow, I love your site!! i really appreciated and related to your essay on taste
alicebluef0f8ff 1 year ago

thank you so much!!! it means a lot <3

I love your index page, it's so charming. I also read your Connect zine and i really related to what you wrote. Cheering you on from this side of the screen <3
swiftred 1 year ago

Oh, this means so so much to me. Thank you kindly <3 <3 I love all the art on your site, and I enjoyed reading about Helter Skelter! I had never heard of it before

i really like the look of your site, and i think you have a really good eye for colors in your art (i esp like your adachi rei drawing c: )
rareoarfishsightings 1 year ago

thank you so much ..........big honor considering you have such a nicely decorated site yourself

your site has such a creative design !!
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alicebluef0f8ff 1 year ago

thank you so much, i really appreciate it :D

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i love your cat painting the brush work is so fun :)
rexsketch 1 year ago

thank you so much!!! your art is so beautiful

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omg i cant believe i haven't left a comment before on your site! the whole layout is so gorgeous and such a cool idea!! i'm kinda curious about your fart cougars wiki page, where did you find the wikipedia template? i love it n would love to get something similar on my page :0! hope you have a good day!
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myrrh 1 year ago

Tbh to be so for real with you I just googled Wikipedia html template and used one from like 2017. But thank you so much for your sweet comment haha !

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i ADORE your vision for the train game/hud thingy... i cannot wait to see what you do with it in the future :D
ancient-pixel 1 year ago

Thank you 😊

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