VKC CodeBuilder - HTML5 & JavaScript Real-Time Code Simulator.

1,973 updates
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Superb design.Keep it up!
Its Diwali here in India. Happy Diwali guys!!! :)
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I think I need to packup from here.
websitering 7 years ago

What's wrong? :(

vkccodebuilder 7 years ago

Too much spam and I am getting bot visitors more than actual. But I think I have changed my mind. I need to do something to stop these all.

Many spammy websites coming out I see on Neocities
okay, VKC CodeBuilder has finally introduced "Challenge against time". Now, you can compete against clock to code by either clicking "Challenge against time" button above the editor or you can double click on the time bar below. It will take an input in minutes and will reset the run time to 0:00. The timer will count upto the time you have set and then it will alert. Try it out. Thanks.
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thanks for the follow 😃😃😃😃😃
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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedNov 15, 2015
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programming javascript html simulator html5