VKC CodeBuilder - HTML5 & JavaScript Real-Time Code Simulator.

1,973 updates
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Is the webring not working. I am seeing an error page being loaded in the iframe since a couple of days.
hyper1ink 7 years ago

It's usually when the json file for the subrings are messed up. Oopsie.

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vkccodebuilder 7 years ago

So, I might remove the code as it is not looking good up there on the page or shall I wait until it fixes soon.

vkccodebuilder 7 years ago

Thanks for the fix @hyperlink

Yeah! With more than 50k users VKC CodeBuilder completed 2 years of its launch today.
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XSS attack attempted on my site but failed :)
57000 views including bot visits.
New version coming soon for VKC CodeBuilder. Also looking forward to a mobile supporting version.
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Bot visiting to websites up here is much more than real people. Many of the visitors on site are bots.
Hey! nice website. I would recommend you to put up a screen orientation script on page which can automatically check whether page is in Landscape or potrait format. If in Landscape it does nothing while the alert message pops up only when in potrait format. Even my website has the same condition.
"Open as Read-only mode" isn't supported by updated versions of Google Chrome. Need re-program.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedNov 15, 2015
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programming javascript html simulator html5