1,700 updates
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Christ on a cross... 😂 A porn star left a message on my guestbook... Not entirely sure how to feel about that.
arkmsworld 7 years ago

An actual porn STAR or one of the endless parade of webcam chicks on the net? The first would be pretty cool. The second, meh not so much.

machetona 7 years ago

It's probably the second, but either way... what the hell. 😂

I bought a new computer! So happy!! :D I'll start using it sometime next week and hopefully I'll be able to update my site once and for all. This laptop I'm using is horrible... I can't even keep 5 tabs open without the memory giving up on the browser. *sigh* ...Anyway, expect more activity from me soon!
10kb 7 years ago

why don't you install gentoo

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machetona 7 years ago

I'll check it out 🤔

Your site is awesome! I've been trying to figure out how to do something similar with the frame for the menu, do you have any suggestions for resources on using frames in HTML?
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machetona 7 years ago

Thank you! I actually don't really have any good websites to link you to (although W3schools never disappoints), but honestly I just figured out all my frames by studying others' sites and whatnot and played around with the code. It's messy, but it's fun! Frames are essentially just HTML tables, so there's millions of possibilities!

Holy smokes I have not logged in for a WHILE. Sorry guys! I've noticed things being broken on my site, too, and I will work on them soon! :) (Hopefully whenever I get some down time... life is kicking my butt.)
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hey your guest book is broken, also do you know any good habbo retros i can go on?
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jeremyredhead 8 years ago

@machetona If you don't want to switch guestbook hosts, you can just change your link to open in a new tab instead of inside the frame

tag10 8 years ago

Sorry no

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I don't talk a lot on Neocities or about Neocities (and the community in general), but I'm honestly very happy to see that my site buttons are being used on others' sites. I know, it's kinda weird to mention that, considering how insignificant it is, but it really warms my heart to see my presence being acknowledged in that way, y'know? So, thanks everyone, I really appreciate it! :D......
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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedSep 11, 2015
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personal music blog