literature girl

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By th way, head covering is practiced here by christian women, most of the elders all the day, and the young ones only in church.
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literaturegirl 1 year ago

I've heard it's a lot more common in more Eastern countries, seemingly largely due to cultural differences in regards to Islamic belief or Orthodox Christian belief. Traditional interpretations are much more commonly accepted there. In the west it's sadly not something you see very often, and is shamed just like not covering where you're from might be.

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moheb-rofail 1 year ago

Hi, Try to make sidebar and main content take the full width of page in smaller devices screens.

moheb-rofail 1 year ago

Do you have any advice for me to follow in my website?

literaturegirl 1 year ago

I've never been overly concerned with that since I like the way it looks with a margin at the right (although that doesn't exist on two pages), and I've always been fine with how it looks on my phone (Google Pixel 6), but I'll try look into it sometime if I get a chance and feel like I can tolerate wrestling with CSS...

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literaturegirl 1 year ago

As for your site: maybe centre your website name/title and play around with the colour scheme a bit? It's ultimately largely up to you and your personal preference, at the end of the day, so I don't have much to comment on so long as is everything is accessible.

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I wish you luck with building up your site; excited to see what you share. I checked your Instagram and thought your art was cool, too. (i love fish!! fishing!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1)
rareoarfishsightings 1 year ago

thank you so much, it makes me happy that people have interest in such an empty site lol...........

1 like
Hi, is a great article, will read all your articles soon.
literaturegirl 1 year ago

Thank you; that's kind of you to say and heartening to hear. I hope you can find something of value in them.

michaelmas 1 year ago

It's so funny that you use the word "heartening," because I heard it for the first time a day or two ago & I feel like I keep seeing it everywhere. It's a good word ♡

michaelmas 1 year ago

I actually want to convert to Judaism, but I think I'll adopt some of the practices you've written about.

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literaturegirl 1 year ago

It's one of my favourite words. I find that happens to me a lot too — I learn a word I feel like I've never heard before, and then all of a sudden I seem to see it everywhere, also. That seems to imply it's less of a coincidence and more of an issue with my personal awareness. Maybe we block the things we don't understand out, however unknowingly.

literaturegirl 1 year ago

Also, the majority of the practices I've written about certainly aren't specific to any one religion — things like prayer and meditation are good habits all-around for peace, clarity and a grateful heart. I wish you luck in your journey exploring your personal faith.

Randomly found your site through the activity tab and I really like it. Also, Hospice by The Antlers is a great album.
1 like
literaturegirl 1 year ago

Thank you for the kind message! I like your site a lot too; I love how neat and easy to navigate it is. Hospice is brilliant — if only I could get everyone I show it to to sit down and stare at the lyrics whilst listening to it like I do. Alas. :P

1 like
Always cool to see new Mamimi and Misaki art. I really like the way you use texture in your drawings. :]
melankorin 11 months ago

(6 months late lmao) thank you! gotta draw my favourite girls

Hi — just writing to say that I enjoyed your post on mobile phone usage a lot. The following lines caught my interest, especially: 'We Live In A Society that now expects everyone to be easily contactable if they want to participate at all. alas i am not quite at the "leave society" stage...' (Whenever I took a break from social media, and then from using my mobile phone entirely, I found social isolation the worst.)
suboptimalism 1 year ago

thanks - it really is difficult to appreciate how much cell phones have become part of the "social contract" until you go without


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