Yeah! jailbroken 3ds time! I jailbroke mine just under a year ago and she's a part of my everyday life now :3
je parle seulement un peu XD désole j'habite a Ontario lol (A shame truly)
Probablement il y a plus des francophones a Ontario que Nebraska, Etats-Unis (aucun, sauf moi :P) anyway, i left you a comment on your homepage :3
As of now I only know one, Adult Artists Webring. Wish we had more webrings on here for NSFW sites
ALSO, not a ring but a weblisting so idk if this counts much, but there's Fujofans
@ultra-tetra I've heard of both of those!! I don't think I particularly fit into either.. perhaps I gotta learn how to make a webring XD