Koshka's Kingdom

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Would anyone happen to know how Cyber-Witch is doing? Both of her Neocities websites vanished without warning a week or so ago and I still have no idea what happened. I don't mean to be nosy; just worried. ):
rime 3 years ago

i noticed i had lost a follower but i didn't pay it any mind, but now that you mention it, that must've been her. i have no idea what happened either but now you have me wondering.

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Oh no, she's one on my favourites, I don't know if she ever had contact info on her page?

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koshka 3 years ago

Yeah, both @cyberwitch and @cottagewitch have been gone for a week now. ): I don't recall her having contact information but she did mention having a group of friends on Discord in passing once. I hope she's OK... that's two genuinely top tier websites that she either hid or deleted out of the blue, so I'm worried about what made her do this.

bright-eyes 3 years ago

She did favourite one of my posts last week. She might have turned her profile to private, or something. When that happens, the site disappears from your followers/following, but is still there.

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koshka 3 years ago

@bright-eyes Even the direct link to her website is offline however. I think I know what comment you said that she liked, and I recall her still being around when you posted that.

koshka 3 years ago

Put up a heartfelt statement regarding the 1 year anniversary of Koshka's Kingdom.

A gentle reminder that Discord is a proprietary spyware platform. (source: ) Discard Discord and check out the unofficial Neocities IRC channel at #Neocities on! Let me know if you want to join but need help getting on IRC!
Internet Explorer will live forever as the One True Browser!
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krrw 3 years ago

I highly doubt that.

bmh 3 years ago

Meanwhile, in another parallel universe...

koshka 3 years ago

@khayrirrw Your opinion is irrelevant, heretic.

koshka 3 years ago

Added one new Affiliate (Omoulo) and wrote up a rant that I really needed to get off my chest on the Scratching Post/Portal. That is all.

bmh 3 years ago

I like your method of categorisation by season and the use of those icons.

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you, @bmh! I just felt like the page needed something to spice it up and alleviate its boring nature.

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rime 3 years ago

i can kind of relate to the "regressing" thing, i think thats kind of whats been happening to me lately and also over the past few years. simply being outside in the general vicinity of people (who i logically know will either ignore me or want nothing more than a hurrired "how are you? fine" exchange out of me, but still) is genuinely uncomfortable now ksflj

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koshka 3 years ago

@rime That sounds like really awful social anxiety, although I can relate. Ever since the lockdown, any sort of social interaction has become a bigger and bigger burden to climb and I am forgetting whatever crap social "skills" I previously had. I really have no advice to share for this.

koshka 3 years ago

With how populated the UFO/Autism section has become, I decided to put together a general Things Autistics Wish Neurotypicals Knew page for people who don't feel like reading through all of my mountains of rambling. This is sort of like an all-purpose digital billboard of things I wish non-autistic people knew, based on my own issues and on issues I have seen commonly expressed by autistic folks online.

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cyberwitch 3 years ago

Sometimes I doubt being autistic because not everything applies, but then I remember that I was basically forced to understand and cope with neurotypicals, which resulted in me suppressing my need for accommodations. Living in a society that loves to talk about nothing and hates boundaries sure is fun. :P Another great article!

koshka 3 years ago

@cyberwitch Thank you!! I share and understand your sentiments. It's incredibly frustrating when you are surrounded by people who don't understand you and who systematically brow-beat you into suppressing and ignoring your own needs. It never ceases to fascinate me how autistic people are criticised for tending to talk at length about substantial and interesting things (our special interests) while it's considered

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koshka 3 years ago

perfectly "normal" behaviour for neurotypicals to just jabber on and on about completely meaningless things.

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koshka 3 years ago

I updated the Autism-Related Terminology post with a bunch of additional definitions that I originally neglected to add, and rewrote or updated a few that were missing some information, could be written better, or would benefit from having links to articles I wrote after putting that up page for clarification's sake.

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koshka 3 years ago

I added a short 3 page teaser on what the upcoming Macula's Maze section will be like. It will exist as a separate website ( but it is linked to in the sidebar of my website. MAJOR props to my dear friend @ShadowM00n for proof-reading and notifying me of a number of grammar mistakes. I have also put up a third, parody website based on lolwut's site,, based on a

koshka 3 years ago

recent IRC (, #lolwut / #neocities) meme, but this is likely a one-shot thing that won't receive updates. In closing, be sure to get on IRC and check out my Intense World article from last week if you missed it, as it is probably the most thought-provoking thing I have ever written thus far!

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koshka 3 years ago

After 2 weeks of research, rumination, and writing, I have completed what may well be my magnum opus - a lengthy treatise on the Intense World theory of autism and its numerous mindblowing revelations about the neurotype. Even if autism isn't one of your interests, I humbly request that you read this any way as the implications of this theory are truly revolutionary and need to be heard by everyone.

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bmh 3 years ago

Another great piece. Regarding learning, I seem to find active learning a challenge because often there are other things that are more stimulating. I have focus when something is new and exciting, but that wears off after a while and I seek pastures a new.

koshka 3 years ago

Thank you, @bmh! For me personally, learning by reading and doing is the only method that works for me. I am so incapable of learning by listening that you would likely be convinced that I was severely mentally challenged if you ever tried to verbally teach me how to do anything.

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

This was so great, I really think it needs a wider audience.

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you VERY much, @fragmentandreflect! I appreciate you reading/commenting. I've been trying to improve SEO and do other things to increase the audience, but I guess autism just isn't a subject that interests a lot of people, sadly. ):

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Maybe just give it a bit more time :)

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lolwut 3 years ago

A very interesting theory. If autistic brains are hyper-connected, more active, and generate more information, then maybe they could be considered something like natural marvels, since they function at an arguably higher level than non-autistic brains. (Perhaps the world would be a better place after all if autistics were the majority?)

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lolwut 3 years ago

Also, if it's true that autistics have a stronger desire for sameness and a lower tolerance for novelty/change, then when my extreme nostalgia for the 2000s and general dislike/aversion to change is considered, perhaps I am actually one of the most autistic individuals in the world? :^)

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koshka 3 years ago

Added a review/link to the legendary classic creepypasta Love to the Haunted House and added three new affiliates. Been lagging on writing anything or responding to people on time due to being in a rut but hopefully something new soon.

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CreatedAug 3, 2020
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