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Hm, so another thing about this font change idea... When I first made this site, like the goddamn fool I was, I had the brilliant idea to manually set the font for each page INDIVIDUALLY as part of the copy/paste method I use when adding a new page (I really hope I'm not the only dipshit who does this). As a result, changing the font for my site will be... very difficult for me and annoying for you.
genosadness 5 months ago

Difficult for me because I have to manually change every page, and annoying for you because you have to look at me updating 50 pages at once while not knowing which changes are important and which are just a different looking text. I apologize in advance for this.

proto-p 5 months ago

geno porque no just put font face in ur style sheet?

genosadness 5 months ago

@proto-p Apparently I did do that, I just forgot about it completely until I went in last night to do it.

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I'm considering changing the font for my site. Any suggestions? (sans serif preferred)
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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedNov 5, 2018
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