Moving hosts...

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dreemurr 7 months ago

after a long few days of bugfixing i think that animal's den 3.0 is finally stable enough, along with a new domain name ( and landing page. this update includes:

dreemurr 7 months ago

(mostly) incorporated responsiveness on pages that iโ€™m currently able to update (DID makes this complicated, so some older pages are untouched and buggy, but should warn you ahead of time)

dreemurr 7 months ago

implemented netfriendโ€™s html loader as a temporary solution to make my life easier in terms of website layout (though this will change as i aim to eventually learn and incorporate a ssg, primarily 11ty), and other JS-based solutions to daily updates iframe-based pages now include melonkingโ€™s frame-link system, enabling specific pages to be linked out (i.e specific journal entries or pokemon pages)

dreemurr 7 months ago

crossposted these comments from tumblr so they're messy, sorry x)

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedApr 20, 2018
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