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find some really amazing projects made by really amazing people on the Scratch homepage, because projects get featured on there every day. This was a long ramble but I really like Scratch, it was a huge part of my childhood and I want to share it with anyone who cares to read this! (5/5)
Still, in the grand scope of things, 55,000 followers really ISN'T that much... so I added his page to my links because maybe you could like his stuff too. Some other Scratch accounts I grew up loving are Astro947, who is an animator, and griffpatch, who makes ambitious adaptations of games (like Terraria and Minecraft) through the relatively limited Scratch interface (plus some original stuff). You can also (4/5)
for animations, and he became one of the most well-known users on Scratch through his creations. Scratch is sort of like a baby Newgrounds; people make music, animations, games and all sorts of experiments with the power of pseudo-Python! 55,000 followers doesn't sound like much, but it's huge for a community of only 40 million or so accounts (in comparison to most platforms having at least a billion). (3/5)
Also, one of the links leads to WazzoTV's page on Scratch. If you haven't heard of Scratch, it's this site where kids "learn" to program through these drag-and-drop program blocks you usually see on those crappy coding flash games. It's sort of dumb but I grew up with it and I know that a lot of kids on there grew up to pursue computer science, so I think it means something. Anyways, WazzoTV mainly used Scratch (2/5)
Hi! It's Oscar, I'm redoing the entire layout for my site right now as you probably know so it won't have anything substantial for a while. The links page is still up in case you still wanna check out the stuff I put on there. The links at the bottom lead to Newgrounds games I think deserve some love and other sites I either grew up with, or found recently that piqued my interest. (1/5)
Hey I think your site is really cool! I've been checking up on it since the last layout it had but i didn't really use neocities for anything social so i didn't think to follow or send a message, but I'm doing that now. You seem like a super cool guy and i am excited to see what your site looks like in the future :D
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CreatedJun 27, 2021
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