Also I wanna see if there’s a way to modify my music player to make it more accessible (no marquee or scroll bar and allow the buttons to be used via a keyboard) but my coding knowledge especially with Java script is very small
I take a intro to Java course in like a year from now but I would like to have this fixed before then yaknow dhgsb and I don’t know of any other accessible music player so if anyone does know of one lemme know cause I could switch to that
Added a page about the site's accessibility, added a micro blog, and updated the credit/graphics page + minor graphical elements
I also forgot to add it to the to-do list but god I wanna reduce the size of some of these images(Especially my art)because they take forever to load as is
Added more to the to-do list. Trying to get as much of it done as possible in between midterms season