Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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I'm quite tired today after going into town - the arthritis is acting up as it usually does when I've been out. So, tomorrow might be a good day to watch some episodes of AOFW and write some episode synopis's, even though there are other things I need to do.
birdsandstars 4 years ago

I'm sorry, friend!! I've got post-injury arthritis... strength/weight-bearing exercises helped a lot to make it easier, but yeah, long days are rough!!

bright-eyes 4 years ago

Yep. I can usually avoid the problem with my left knee by avoiding things like stairs which trigger it, but cold temperatures and damp cause problems with it even then. It's my hip, back and ankles which are my problem at the moment - I'm fine when I'm out and don't always notice it but when I've rested they become stiff and painful.

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birdsandstars 4 years ago

Can you wear legwarmers/long underwear underneath your clothes? Layering helps a LOT with the cold issue!!

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