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thelesserword 2 weeks ago

World's a mess, I'll give you that. Honestly, though I don't know whether I should hold any expectation for it, I might consider drafting something akin to Paine's "Common Sense." My night's bad, and my body's weak, so the changes might not take affect in my lifetime, but maybe someone more capable would be able to save our kids.

thelesserword 2 weeks ago

Reading posts like yours makes me wish Washington were back to remove the rights to vote from men. I mean, why should you vote if you don't own land, and why is a drafted soldier's vote equal to a woman's? And who voted for the current education system? The children who experience it or the corrupted adults who bribe the Oval Office? Christianity too has been deranged. Too many lukewarm "believers."

thelesserword 2 weeks ago

If it's any consolation, I'll pray for your case. Debt's the devil's work (think a "Christian" civilization would pay heed to "Forgive us our debts as we forgive those indebted to us" but we don't so we know who runs the show). Yea, when your backs against the wall there's no shame in asking for a miracle.

didntask 2 weeks ago

Great post. Ssds are so unreliable it's depressing. Also for reliability idk about neocities but I'll just keep backing up my site. Mil Sim's been an open tab on my phone for days, keep writing

wizardperspective 2 weeks ago

Thanks you both. I'll keep doing what I've doing so far and keep my head up as much as I can.

pnnamerica 2 weeks ago

Student loans are a scam and the only debt you can not bankrupt out of in America. You could get 100k from the bank like those nogs are doing to chase, then declare bankruptcy. They can probably claim ignorance to dodge fraud.

pnnamerica 2 weeks ago

System is broken, and those that play by the elf rules are punished.

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