The website of smolcatpilot

313 updates
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oh my gosh your cat character is soooo cute
1 like
smolcatpilot 5 months ago

thank you! :3

hi, i love your website!! can't wait to see how it turns out !! i put your button onto mine if you don't mind :3
1 like
smolcatpilot 7 months ago

Thank you! I like your site too!! And I don't mind you putting my button on your site at all!

1 like
this is a really cute website! the art it's really cool, i'm also new at html coding so i get the whole aaaa how to i do this and how do i do that, i'm hoping that your site becomes great!
1 like
smolcatpilot 7 months ago

Thank you! I hope your site becomes great too :3

such a cute site and art!! welcome (back) to neocities; I'm in much the same position to you wrt the whole 'new to html' thing, so good luck!!
1 like
smolcatpilot 8 months ago

Thank you! and good luck to you too!!

1 like
I really like your website, love the drawings and hope to see it grow more over time. Thanks for checking out mine, too!
1 like
smolcatpilot 8 months ago

Thank you!!! I look forward to how both your website (and also your plants) grow too :D!

1 like
Hey! Your site is so cool :) Mind if I add your button to my page dedicated to them?
smolcatpilot 8 months ago

Thank you! Your sites cool too :D And I don't mind at all!

Website Stats

Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedApr 15, 2022
Site Traffic Stats


art videogames cartoons