410 updates
0 tips
the concept of your site is so so cool omg... I can't wait to see what comes out of it!! --> my art page is up... drawing is just a silly little hobby of mine, plez don't judge too hard :")
thank you for the follow! :))
1 like
puppygrass 10 hours ago

of course!!! your site is super cute :D

1 like
I'm back!! Explained things a little bit in a new blog post. I have some ideas for my site, but it'll take time to implement because uni... anyway gonna go back to reading The Bell Jar :)
HEYYYYY ANOTHER AUSSIE!!! Saw the australian tag and got so excited... also as someone who loves perfume as well, ur perfume log is so cool!! Korres Black Sugar has been on my mecca wishlist for so long lol. ur buttons are hella dope too, I've added it, I love the general aesthetic of your site!!
ancientcrypt 17 hours ago

Hello! Oh, we sound so similar. Thank you for the kindness. I will be sure to add your button in time.

Some stuff has happened and my depression has hit me like a meteor, relapse and all... gonna be taking a break for a bit
waaaaa ur site is so cool, I love it... the lil sound effects tickles my brain so nice!!! added ur button :D
cyberdemon 1 week ago

tysm!! i lov ur site so much :3 ur dog shrine is so cute

1 like
puppygrass 1 week ago

long time no blogpost!!! this one's long, I kinda rambled a bit too much lol

confetticake 1 week ago

omg your blog page is so adorable!! :D the bijou sticker....weeping.....

puppygrass 1 week ago

thank you so much!!! :D

I already have a vita (hacked w/ Adrenaline) but I absolutely love love loooove the aesthetic of the psp (I think that was obvious lol)... Should I get one as well? Is there anybody out there who can provide me with their wisdom to this extremely first-world problem?
humanfinny 1 week ago

I have a 2000 and a 3000, both pretty excellent. i would just say when buying be wary of the battery, chances are that its already not great. otherwise just try to find the colour u like for a decent price! i bougth a rose pink for about 50 euros

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puppygrass 1 week ago

thank you so much! Do you reckon I should just go for buying just the psp itself and a new battery separately then? Instead of paying more for a psp with the battery,etc

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humanfinny 1 week ago

tbh i dont often see them being sold without the battery, i think it may be safer to buy with battery even if it turns out shitty, atleast you will know all is well w/ the psp. as for buying a non-sony battery from an online store, i havent bought one myself yet, but its quite affordable and most people seem to be happy with them. when i do, i will let u know how my exp. with it was. unless the deal is great

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humanfinny 1 week ago

and the seller is trusted, i think you better buy with bat. are you looking for classic piano black or a diff colour or a special edition? i think piano black ones go for real great prices if youre just looking for any psp

1 like
puppygrass 1 week ago

just hoping for a silver psp! I'd love the Crisis Core edition, but they go for far too much for my broke ass lolol. But thank you so much for your input!!! Super appreciated :D

1 like
I have new buttons available if you wanna link me ^_^ !! my old one was a bit too boring for me. Also, new fresh guestbook because 123guestbooks is shutting down: !
puppygrass 2 weeks ago

also kinda reshaped my home page a little bit instead of doing my 500 remaining pages of readings because I have good priorities...


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Last updated 8 hours ago
CreatedDec 9, 2023
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