I like discovering new sites via the folks who've followed me on here thusfar, but I also wish I could just hide those stats since stats emselves are the last thing I'm on here for! I just wanna vibe and discover folks around me down all the cool rabbit holes there are to find~
Indecisively tweaking the entrance page again. Had some free time to do up a lil custom sprite as well for it! May give it shading later but wanted to try it out in flatcolor first haha~
Thank you! the headphones are comprised of two images, and i just positioned the bottom image right below the player. As for the dangling earbuds, i just did a negative value for the margin of the image (something like margin-bottom:-40px; or something like that) and used pointer-events:none; to make sure that you can click through the image so it doesnt interfere with the play button or the text behind it
Been a hot minute since updating things! Got back recently from a really nice trip to see my partner for a few weeks, an got a new indie review up today + some little cleanup touches and things :>
Finally finished all the text writeups for my tamagotchi shrine! Just lots of personal stories and rambles of my time with various toys. Also slowly making my way through my pages to clean up and customize the css everywhere. Slooowly but surely making it more my own code than the original template code I started to learn site building from way back in June~