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chattable 5 months ago

Yo this is sick, I love the color schemes

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dexaroth 5 months ago

why does the index preview look like that bro.. >_>

dexaroth 5 months ago

turns out pretty much all the pages from V5 were inacessible for like a year bc i typed the filepaths wrong LOL better late than never

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dexaroth 5 months ago

V4 suffered from this as well. sad! well it's fixed now :]

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i wonder what's the percentage of users that need things like keyboard navigation and screen readers on here. the one thing i know for certain is that people prone to epilepsy would be navigating a minefield here with all the scene revival websites XP
awesome art, the gray character on the oc banner looks really cool!
fepir 5 months ago

thank you so much, omg!! <3 <3

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will be taking somewhat of a hiatus for now from neocities due to some other projects and college being a pain in the ass as usual again. i also got a bit discouraged from web hosting in general so idk how im gonna deal with that. ah well
xobyte 6 months ago

You're talented at creative web design, don't be discouraged. Not sure what's got you down but just take a break, we'll be here when you return :)

tackyvillain 6 months ago

you've done a lot in a short space of time, you're probably a bit burnt out - after my initial setup phase i changed my approach to smaller updates more consistently as opposed to big changes

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very big layout update coming in erm.. probably a week. savor the celestial theme for now bc itll be very different from that soon! posting 'updates' on my wips tag as usual :3
god im in such a design artblock.. coding individual pages is such a different designing experience than the things i get inspired by. you just cant get boxes with similar contents to look that unique compared to like game UIs or marketing pages that actually have things to describe and show a bunch of pictures of. once again getting totally owned by another creative hobby
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dexaroth 6 months ago

i also hate how the boxes just float on nothing. every time i think about how the boxes that house the contents of something are floating i bust a blood vessel. theyre floating in the current design bc i literally gave up and said fuck it but the idgaf effect wore off and its bugging the hell out of me again.. put some glass behind that thang!!

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dexaroth 6 months ago

artblock over i am the god of webdesign. soon the world will see

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it is now officially 2 years since i made this website! yay! i thought it was sept 2nd. go look at it again for good luck or something. my beautiful webbed site ⭐
why can't i filter out status updates on the activity page.. im here to find new sites not comments!! ironically enough there's a chance this post will also end up there. in which case whoever reads this is entitled to emotional compensation

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedSep 4, 2022
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art personal furryart furry illustrations