
3,161 updates
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thanks for the follow!
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Brought VRChat Pirate Radio back online. (For now -- need to set part of it up on a dedicated server again.)
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bunglepaws 9 months ago

I may actually change the name because I've still not put it in a public VRChat world lmao. Thinking of going with a bunny theme.

bunglepaws 9 months ago

I mean. The radio host is based on my bunny sona. So for the logo thing I gave it little rabbit ears (antenna. TV, but still.)

bunglepaws 9 months ago

Thinking of removing the link for the Radio New Vegas knockoff. I don't need it anymore and when I set it up I was less concerned with using real voices but now I'd rather not do so. (the pirate radio doesn't use a real person's voice for the TTS, I may make a blog post about that later)

bunglepaws 9 months ago

but I need to recode some of VRChat Pirate Radio. For RNVGPT I used Spotify's algorithm to get new songs and expand the playlist automatically. Currently though, this new station isn't set up with Spotify at all.

Thx for the follow
bunglepaws 11 months ago

added a blog post about various site updates I've done in the past week

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedMay 27, 2021
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