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Have to say, this is one of the few uses of a marquee that I actually like! Love your header.
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bunglepaws 2 years ago

ignore this, needed an example URL for a broken thumbnail

radio voice upgraded!
bunglepaws 2 years ago

apparently this was glitchy in Firefox and every so often would play cached audio?? fixed

I'd love to see more documentation on the AI radio, I just found this website today, and I'm curious as to what it does exactly? When you add songs does it add them for everyone? I love the theme of the website :3
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bunglepaws 2 years ago

There's actually a lot I need to write about it -- I removed some documentation the other month because it's so outdated now. Maybe I'll do that soon. When you add a song it tries to get it from youtube, using spotify's metadata to decide when to play it (the song gets mixed into the playlist between other similar songs). Yes, it's added for everyone, it's an Icecast stream so it is synced between listeners

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMay 27, 2021
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