Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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I think finally, when it is far too late to do anything about it that nature and the environment is being taken seriously. It's so sad. The reason why I say this is because the Open University have a separate category for Nature and Environmental subjects from science which it used to be a part of. There are a number of free courses that people can study on their website. What is /also/ a shame is that the work
bright-eyes 2 years ago

people put into studying courses like these (and the same applies to Coursea) is that with them being 'free' you don't get a qualification from it, so therefore you don't get recognition for studying things at a university level. Sure, it's OK for personal interest, and a study aid for those wanting to study the subject professionally, but I find it profoundly sad that money is used as a barrier to prevent people's

bright-eyes 2 years ago

skills, knowledge and hard work from being recognised.

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CreatedApr 6, 2019
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