Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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People are so naïve when it comes to the publication of fanart, fan fiction and making money off it. You can't, legally. No company will accept submissions you make to them for trademarked franchises. You have to build up a reputation for good, original work before they'll consider you.
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arremeer 2 years ago

Well said. This is why I avoid franchises when doing commissions. Not entirely sure if it's legal or not, but better safe than sorry.

bright-eyes 2 years ago

It's something I see a lot, unfortunately, particularly with art and crafts for sale on etsy. You can make fan created things and most companies tolerate it as long as you don't try to make money off it. I've even seen people complain when things they are selling have been 'stolen' by others to sell. It's really sad to see.

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Last updated 19 hours ago
CreatedApr 6, 2019
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fanfiction middleearth thehobbit theanimalsoffarthingwood watershipdown