Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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Tomorrow (hopefully...) I shall be doing the long awaited decorating of the living room. I started it last year, but had to put it off for various reasons. Today, I have the paint I need to finish it. There is the wallpapering that needs doing, too, but the painting needs to be done first so the wallpaper isn't dripped on. The kitchen though will have to wait a tad longer, unfortunately.
bright-eyes 2 years ago

I got most of it done last year, but we had a problem with a couple of radiators during the winter and they need to be fixed before I can finish it, which is annoying. Still, if all goes well with the rest of the living room, I hope to get some shelving units put up in a cupboard so I can store my books properly in there - there are some books in there at the moment, but they are hap-hazard due to lack of shelves.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedApr 6, 2019
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