Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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The midsummer festival in lotro isn't my favourite one. For ages now, I have only been doing these festival events for figments of splendour (and to level my main character up when I need it to progress on to later levels) but the festival area is too big for my patience, takes ages traveling to places and you don't get a lot of figments for your troubles - much less than in other festivals. My favourite are the
bright-eyes 2 years ago

halloween/harvest/fall festival in October and the the Yule one in December and January.

bright-eyes 2 years ago

The wedding event is nice, but it doesn't count towards your daily that you need to complete a number of times to get the figments, which negates the purpose of doing it, really.

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedApr 6, 2019
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