Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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Last year, many magazine publishers stopped producing some craft mag titles - among them were some cross stitch magazines. Though it was sad to see those titles go, it isn't entirely a bad thing - one of the mags that I have been getting on and off since 1995 (my mum started getting them that year) had been getting very boring and formulaic in the designs they published in their mag - there were a lot of boring -
bright-eyes 2 years ago

modern designs that covered the same themes constantly and weren't appealing to stitch. Now, a year on, the mag has started to become more interesting again because there are less places for designers to submit their pieces and less pages to fill so better designs are published. It's kind of like TV when satellite and digital came about in the '90s. Channels became crap because lots of boring and mediocre programmes

bright-eyes 2 years ago

were made to fill in the extra time that broadcasting companies suddenly had. Hopefully, cross stitch will be revived and designs I like will be easier to come across again.

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CreatedApr 6, 2019
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